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Take a Staycation!

As we welcome the arrival of fall and the new school year, it’s worth acknowledging that m...

Demystifying SAVE: A Plan...

A lot has changed for all of us since March 2020, not the least of which being our financi...

Finances of Going Green

What does it cost to go green? Living a more sustainable lifestyle can be costly, but if y...

What to Do if Your Emerge...

The experts say it’s a good idea to keep three to six months of living expenses in an emer...

Don't Miss These Unexpect...

From 10% off your cell phone bill, to waived parking fees, to supermarket coupons that kee...

Managing Medical Bills

The research shows that around four in ten adults in the US are living with debt from medi...

Paying for High-Cost Pres...

For a variety of reasons, prescription drug prices in the United States tend to be higher ...

The Finances of Moving Ab...

Considering a move abroad? Congratulations! Taking your life to another country is a big s...

Inexpensive Ways to Fill ...

Hoping to build an abundant home library, with works of poetry and prose as far as the eye...

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