Harvard FCU Blog

Top 5 Must-Listen Financial Podcasts.

Written by HUECU | Mar 31, 2023 4:43:42 PM

We all know that acquiring financial knowledge can be tricky at times. However, there are many ways to become knowledgeable on a subject than just reading. Podcasts can be a great way to incorporate learning about finances into your everyday routine: while getting ready in the morning, eating lunch, or driving back home. This blog lists five must-listen-to podcasts that may possibly transform your relationship with money.

So Money Yes with Farnoosh

First up on the list we have So Money Yes with host Farnoosh. This podcast transgresses the subject of money and finance. Many of the guest speakers, such as Queen Latifa and Barbra Concord, discuss social issues and personal struggles they encountered in life. Guest speakers give context to their financial journeys and humanize the ways in which they reached their level of financial security. Often, we assume that anyone who has achieved a certain level of financial success did so in a fluid or robot-like manner, where they just made all the right moves. However, in this podcast, viewers learn about the mistakes and trials these successful figures made on their financial journey’s and how to apply it to their personal lives.

Afford Anything with Paula Pant

Afford Anything features a wide range of guests from athletes to entertainers, to start-up founders, and even mountaineers. Each episode is full of lessons we can all apply to ourselves, such as the importance of not quitting (and what happens when you do). The host, Paula, had a very humbling background where she worked a 9-5 earning only $21,000 a year. She decided she wanted financial freedom and worked her way up to success, and she is here to help the rest of us recognize our potential and attain financial freedom. One thing I appreciate about this podcast is the importance it places on investing and making the right financial decisions for you, while also warning against volatility and rash decision making.

Women and Money with Suze Orman

Finance is often a field/topic dominated by men. From Wall Street to social media, men appear to be at the forefront of the discussion. Women and Money is a podcast that empowers women to take authority over their finances with the help of an experienced finance expert, Suze Orman. Feel free to send your questions over as she interacts much with her viewers and answers their questions with not only her opinion and advice, but with facts as well. Although the podcast was created for women, Suze states that it is also for “men who are smart enough to tune in.”[1] So, if you are a man, you heard her.


Money For the Rest of Us with David Stein

“You manage your own money. So do I. Let’s share notes and take this financial journey together.”[2] This is the premise of Money For the Rest of Us and what David Stein hopes to accomplish with this podcast. As a previous Chief Investment Strategist and money manager, Stein knows what he is talking about. Listening to this podcast will feel personable and you will walk away having learned something new. If your goal is to invest more confidently, successfully, and intelligently, this is the podcast for you.

Millennial Investing with Rebecca Hotsko

Just as the name entails, this podcast is intended for those who want to secure their future finances through investing. Host, Rebecca Hotsko, invites some of the top investors, such as Steve Adcook and Tiago Forte, to discuss topics like how to essentially build your own bank, investing in Latin America, and more casual subjects like the market outlook in 2023. Now, this is not a guide to become successful overnight. Rather, it exposes you to the plethora of options and paths you can take to be on your way to financial success. So, if this is of interest to you, be sure to tune in.