For those starting their college career or starting a new job, keep your eye out on offers for credit cards. These life milestones are often signals to lenders that the time might be right for you to become a new credit card holder, and figuring out how to manage credit cards is critical for new borrowers. Our partners at GreenPath suggest borrowers that are new to credit cards start by asking the following:
It can be helpful for borrowers to run through these questions for each card. Knowing due dates, minimum payments and other terms is very helpful to using credit cards wisely.
After you ask those questions about the basics, it also pays to think ahead. Some important advice to follow is to make payments on time, keep credit card debt manageable, pay off balances and maintain low balances to avoid interest and late charges.
If people only make minimum payments and keep making purchases, their debt will quickly grow, increasing financial stress and derailing their financial future. If a person gets into the habit of making late payments or taking on more debt than they can handle, then their credit score will suffer and they will have to take additional steps to repair the damage that been done. New borrowers are wise to understand their current financial picture, their spending habits, and the pros and cons of how access to credit will impact their specific financial situation.
As those credit card offers fill up your mailbox, it can be confusing to know where to start. Credit cards are available with many options. Compare different cards based on your needs and the card terms.
For students and new borrowers interested in using credit cards wisely, it is helpful to look at the following:
Remember: every time you use a credit card, you take on debt, and debt is borrowing money you haven’t earned yet. It is wise to always keep the focus on this fundamental truth. Beware of high interest credit cards that can become difficult to pay back if financial circumstances change unexpectedly.
It’s all about the basics: looking at monthly expenses, looking at income and setting spending priorities as well as building up emergency savings. As a new credit card holder, these principles will be the building blocks of achieving financial success!