Harvard FCU Blog

Throw an Epic Super Bowl Party without Overspending

Written by HUECU | Feb 9, 2022 6:15:40 PM

Super Bowl Sunday is a day to unite everyone from the most fervent football fanatic to the friends just there for the snacks. Throwing an epic Super Bowl party is a treasured American tradition, but Monday morning often comes with a rude awakening and a financial hangover over all the money you spent. Particularly with rising food prices, this year’s Super Bowl festivities could easily bring on the financial stress. If you’re hosting this year, we have some advice on how to score the best deals and throw an unforgettable bash without overspending.

Buy generic

We know, we know – your favorite name brand chips and sodas are probably calling your name. But, buying generic brands means you’ll save money, and once those chips are in a bowl, no one will ever know that you skipped the more expensive, name brand version. Save the expensive snacks for when you don’t have to share with a whole party of people!

Make it yourself

Those prepackaged football snacks, like veggie trays, might also be tempting, but you’ll cut costs if you make your own; same goes for hot appetizers. Skip the frozen potato skins, and make your own using just a few inexpensive ingredients. Think about buying ingredients that can be used across multiple recipes so that you make the most of your purchases (even if it’s a meal you plan on making later in the week after the party’s over – we won’t tell). Right down to making your own ice, you’ll cut costs if you can find the time to make it yourself.

Encourage BYO

Providing for your guests is an important part about hosting a party. But while it’s important to be prepared, it can also be helpful to label your Super Bowl bash a BYOB or potluck event. Encourage your guests to bring what they can to help out. Asking guests to bring their own beverages or to chip in with a dessert or app means there will surely be something on the table for everyone. Even beyond snacks and drinks, it might be helpful to ask some people to bring disposable plates, utensils, cups, or even fold out chairs if you’re scarce on seating.

Save on decorations

It’s likely no one would miss it if you skipped the football-shaped balloons, as Super Bowl Sunday is really all about watching the game and gathering with friends. Plus, decorations based around this year’s teams come with no guarantee that you’ll be able to use them again in the future. Forgoing decorations completely is an easy way to save, but if decorating is something you enjoy to make your party special, then there are some ways to save. Check out the dollar store for things like paper plates and streamers. You may not be able to find decorations in your team’s colors, but you’ll save money by shopping at a discount store as opposed to ordering flashy décor from big vendors like Amazon.

Make the most of leftovers 

Think about buying or making food that will last for a bit in your refrigerator. That way, if there ends up being too much food (we can only hope, right?) then you’ll have meals prepared for the rest of the week! That means you can save throughout the week on grocery costs or eating out. Plus, your friends at work will certainly be jealous when you show up with a lunch made up of football snacks on Monday.

Planning any party comes with its share of stressors. But don’t let your finances get in the way of fun. Keep it simple, and remember you’re in control of what you spend – if making your own snacks feels too overwhelming or expensive, order from your local pizza place! There are plenty of accommodations you can make to keep things within a budget that you’re comfortable with, and with any luck, that bet you placed on one of the teams might just come in to help you recoup your losses.