Credit card debt can linger long after the joys of the holidays. A post-holiday balance transfer to the HUECU Platinum Rewards card might be just the thing to ring in the New Year.
The winter holidays are one of the most magical times of the year, but holiday shopping can take a serious toll on gift-givers’ financial health.
While there’s nothing wrong with using credit cards to add a little more sparkle to the holidays, it’s important to avoid building up a balance you can’t easily pay off.
Remember – a high interest rate can add up quickly and cause your holiday debt to stick around all year long.
If you’re hoping to get on top of credit card payments now that the holiday season is over, one good option is to transfer your balance to a new credit card. The HUECU Platinum Rewards card offers a 1.99% Intro APR on balance transfers for the first 12 months1, and a low variable rate after that.
There’s also no balance transfer fee – which means you can take advantage of lower interest rates and lower monthly payments, with no hassle or extra spending up front.