HUECU Hosts Google Hangout

Dec 4, 2014 11:57:14 AM

In late November, HUECU participated in its first ever Google Hangout (a live video chat through Google that is both interactive and participatory) as a guest of the Harvard College Offices of Admissions and Financial Aid.

The Personal Credit Fundamentals Hangout was hosted by Ilya Luvish, Manager of The Harvard College Federal Work Study program, and HUECU’s Tom Murphy, VP of Consumer Lending.

The discussion helped participating undergrads understand how important it is to build credit early, and also touched on the basics of credit scores and credit reporting.

HUECU is committed to providing financial literacy to all the members within our community. As technology changes, our members’ habits evolve as well. HUECU looks forward to delivering useful financial information to our audience in new and innovative ways.