Harvard FCU Blog

A College Student's Guide to Managing Finances

Written by HUECU | Sep 12, 2022 6:13:21 PM

For many, their college years will mark the first steps toward financial independence, and the first time juggling finances solo! It’s a big undertaking to begin managing money on one’s own (not to mention the responsibility of student loans), and the stakes can seem pretty high. But, taking control of your finances as a student doesn’t have to be overwhelming; in fact, it can be empowering and even exciting.

Whether you’re feeling unsteady taking your first financially independent steps or eager to embark on the road toward financial freedom, we have some tips to help guide you along the way. Read on for a roundup of all of our best tips and tricks for students managing their finances.

Before College

Even before you get to campus, there’s a lot to think about and a number of important financial decisions to make. For many students, loans are a necessary part of paying for education. The good news is that choosing the right student loans and learning how to keep up with payments throughout college presents the perfect opportunity for students to flex their smart money management muscles. Here are some tips to get you started with the student loan process as well as prepare you for some common college expenses.

Working With a Budget

The first step toward managing your finances, at any age, is creating a realistic budget…and sticking to it! Here are our best tips and tricks for budgeting as a student.

During College

From move-in day to choosing your first credit cards, your college years will encompass many important financial decisions. Here are some things to know!

After College

Your financial journey doesn’t end when your studies do – in fact, college is just the beginning! It’s important to build good money habits early. Luckily, we have some tips to help you keep the momentum going! And, if you find that after college your student loan payments have become overwhelming, then you may want to consider refinancing (we have some info to help you through that decision as well).