Harvard FCU Blog

HUECU’s 12th Annual Wintersession Program

Written by HUECU | Feb 3, 2023 4:04:27 PM

On January 19th, 2023, HUECU had its 12th annual Wintersession on the topic of financial independence and why managing your finances matters. Our session consisted of two parts: Navigating Your Credit and An Introduction to Investing. Luckily, if you missed our presentation, you can watch it on our YouTube channel! Continue reading to find a summary of what you can expect to learn.  

For the first half of our Winter Session, we welcomed Amber Miller, a Partner Experience Manager with GreenPath Financial Wellness. In this session, Amber busted many myths surrounding credit scores: did you know that it is possible to build a credit history without carrying large debt, balances and paying a bunch of interest? Another myth she busted included the idea that you must carry a credit card balance from month-to-month in order to build credit. Lastly, we received a few questions from some of our attendees regarding their, very relatable, personal circumstances regarding their credit score; such as how someone could build a credit score with no reliable source of income. To find out more about the myths and credit tips watch the session on our YouTube channel 

For the second half of our Wintersession program, we were joined by Shahar Ziv, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives and Operations at PayPal, contributing writer for Forbes, and an HUECU Board Director. Shahar spoke about investing and offered both subjective and objective ways to get started. According to Shahar, the best way to invest is: to be average. He explored more deeply into what this means and as counterintuitive as it might sound, the explanation was sound. He also spoke more about cryptocurrency and why he advises against investing all that you have in it (hint: it goes back to being average). Keep in mind, this is not a guide to investing, but simply one’s opinion being shared. Be sure to do more research on your own before taking any steps, but if you would like to hear from someone with experience, you can check it out right here 

This year’s Wintersession was full of incredible information, and we thank our guest speakers for joining us. We look forward to the next one and hope to see you there. In the meantime, to watch all Wintersession presentations and more, subscribe to our YouTube channel.