Harvard FCU Blog

How to Curb Online Spending

Written by HUECU | Dec 29, 2020 2:00:00 PM

As we abide by stay-at-home orders, many of us spend hours in front of the computer each day for work and school.

To make things harder, we are being bombarded by online shopping ads during those hours we are spending in front of our laptops homeschooling and working remotely. Although the advertisements are tempting, the discounts are not always what they seem. Our partner, GreenPath Financial, offers three tips to curb your online shopping next year.

1. Scrutinize Sales Deals

Discounts aren’t always what they seem. Many online retailers are hoping that we will buy impulsively, rather than thoughtfully. The “regular price” listed on many items is not usually what customers pay regularly but rather intentionally positioned to believe we are paying less. Never assume sale pricing is accurate. Take a moment to pause when you’re considering a purchase. Ask yourself, do I love this item? If you do, evaluate if it’s priced right by comparing it to what competitors are selling, or similar items, before purchasing.

2. Leave It In Your Cart

Research shows that most of our purchases are impulse buys. One way to combat our impulse purchases is to add items to our cart and leave them for seven days before making a purchase. This allows you to carefully consider your purchase and sometimes it leads to a better deal. Many retailers will offer you a discount after you have abandoned your cart, so if you decide to make that purchase you will save money too.

3. Change Your View

According to SocialMediaToday the average person spends nearly two hours on social media every day. This means that we are getting advertisements tempting us to make online purchases as we scroll through our newsfeed. What if you simply unfollowed some of your favorite stores so you are not tempted to buy?

Additional Resources

While “in-person” shopping has changed dramatically this past year, there are tips and tricks to use when grocery shopping. Read more about saving money at the grocery store.

If this post is catching you after you have accumulated credit card debt, we want you to know you are not alone.

Millions of people were doing their best to navigate COVID-19 and ended up with unwanted credit card debt as they purchased items for their new at homeschooling or home office. If that is you, you are not alone.

Our partner, GreePath Financial, offers certified experts who are here to help you manage your credit card debt. Call today to figure out a plan on how to pay off that debt.