Harvard FCU Blog

Financial tips for recent grads from our Instagram community

Written by HUECU | May 25, 2018 12:00:00 PM

It’s that time of the year where  graduation caps are thrown in the air and we celebrate the accomplishments of those graduating. If you are a recent grad─congratulations you’ve made it! Now that you’re transitioning into the “real world” what better time is there to get your finances in order and learn good financial habits?

Last week we asked our Instagram community what financial tips they had for recent graduates. We got so many great responses that we wanted to share them with you.

Saving Hacks

The most common tip is one that won’t surprise anyone: bring your own food and coffee. If you are buying yourself coffee every day (sometimes multiple times a day!), at the end of the month it can really add up.



If you like travelling and still dream to see the world, think about not travelling during peak tourist season.

Life can get crazy, very fast after graduation. It is a period of many life adjustments: new home, new job, new friends, new responsibilities. Think about adding an alarm on your phone every month to remind you to pay your bills on time.

Start Budgeting

We know that budgeting is not something that sounds fun, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Even having a simple spreadsheet to keep track of your spending can make a huge difference in your savings. It can also help you learn more about your spending habits and how to manage them better.


Having an emergency fund can make a big difference when faced with unexpected curve balls that adult life may throw your way.

Plan long term

It’s never too early to start thinking about saving and retirement. Learn about all the different options available to you. You also want to start looking at how to invest your savings in the most productive way for your case.



Explore Your Options

This is also the time of your life where you may  have to start repaying your student loan debt and figure out how to manage it. You’ll want to learn about the best repayment plan for you, and whether or not you should refinance your loans.




Related post: Budgeting Tips Every 20-something Should Know