Harvard FCU Blog

Check Out These Financial Books!

Written by HUECU | Nov 3, 2023 3:50:33 PM

Books are a great way to learn about your finances; they can help you to find new investment strategies, decide how to approach budgeting, or learn new ways of thinking about your money. We have selected the following financial books that cover a wide breadth of topics. We hope they offer you an entry point into your financial journey!

For the young adult:

Financial Adulting: Everything You Need to Be a Financially Confident and Conscious Adult - By Ashley Feinstein Gerstley

This comprehensive read is an excellent deposit of actionable information not just for amateurs but also for people more mature in their financial development. What makes this work special is how inclusive it is of diverse perspectives, accounting for historical inequalities and the limitations of status quo thinking.

For a change in financial mentality:

The Psychology of Money - By Morgan Housel

As a concise yet entertaining book, this is best suited for the person looking to change their outlook on money, especially if you have had difficulty with it in the past. Through multiple short stories, it explores the various modes of financial thinking that we are all inclined to have. Luckily, the author offers us corrective advice to help get back on track toward strong financial health.

For the investor:

The Four Pillars of Investing: Lessons for Building a Winning Portfolio - By William J. Bernstein

This is a perfect fit for anyone looking to improve and self-direct their investment strategy. With the aid of math and storytelling, the author explains the most important lessons for building wealth via financial markets.

For retirement:

The One-Page Financial Plan: A Simple Way to Be Smart About Your Money - By Carl Richards

Simple from start to finish, this book offers the reader an uncomplicated view of retirement planning. It’s so simple, in fact, that its advice can fit on a single page. Retirement isn’t just for the wealthy, and planning starts now!

These books present an opportunity for growth and future success. Visit your local library to get access to these valuable texts for free! You can even make it a goal resolution to start one (or a few) before the end of the year. Best of luck!